Since 2019 the Catholic charismatic renewal in Europe is coordinated by the CHARIS European Service of Communion and her Coordinating team. [See on the CHARIS-website]. The coordinating team was elected in 2021 for a period of three years.

European coordinating team: From left to right on the picture: Tony Laureys from Belgium/European network of Sword of the Spirit communities, Josip Bilandžija from Croatia/under 30 reps, Cathy Brenti from France, Zoltan Vegh from Hungary (Coordinator), Pavla Petrášková from Czech republic, Fr. Christhophe Blin from Germany/European network of Chemin Neuf communities, and Teresa Lally from Scotland.
More about the task and the role of this team and the whole worldwide structure: see the [CHARIS-statutes].
Starting with Pentecost 2019 CHARIS is the one single service for all expressions of
charismatic renewal in the Catholic Church. You are all invited to follow the continuing
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