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CHARIS Europe Meeting in Hungary 24-26 September
Bengt Malmgren
/ Categories: CCR

CHARIS Europe Meeting in Hungary 24-26 September

Report from the Swedish delegation

Background: See previous reporting on CHARIS.

The purpose of the conference was to elect representatives to a continental coordination team for Europe. One of these shall exist for each continent (CCSC) and shall consist of representatives of the national coordinating teams (CNSCs) of each country. Sweden and the other Nordic countries have not yet created such a team, but we were still invited to participate. 

The Swedish delegation consisting of Firas Daykh (Syrian Catholic Congregation in Södertälje), Bola & Maria Richards (Catholic Cathedral Prayer Group) and Ludwig Gelot (Prayer Group in Holy Trinity Parish, Järfälla) writes in their report on the meaning of Charismatic Renewal and CHARIS:

The charismatic renewal is a stream of grace in the Church. It is not an institution or a movement because it is not limited to a group of members and has no founder or board. Instead, it is meant to carry the baptism in the Holy Spirit to the whole Church. It appears in a great variety of expressions and aims for all baptized - Catholics and non-Catholics - to more fully 
live the sacrament of baptism ...

CHARIS was founded on the initiative of Pope Francis. The aim is to facilitate the growth of a service organization that promotes service and community through the establishment of continental and national communities ("Services of communion"). These should not have authority over the many realities of the Charismatic movement. is still under the jurisdiction of the competent ecclesiastical authorities.Their role is not to decide and govern but to coordinate in order to achieve greater community through the unity of the heart.CHARIS acts as a "gas station" on a highway where charismatic realities can stop to rest, share information and charge the batteries on their journey. The goal always remains to give the Holy Spirit first place and to share the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the whole Church. "


  • CISC: Charis International Service of Communion. There is one .
  • CCSC: Charis Continental Service of Communion. One for each continent.
  • CNSC: Charis National Service of Communion. One for each country or each bishops' conference.

At the meeting, the European Services Community (CCSC) was consolidated with representatives from each country that has created the corresponding national communities. As there will be a fairly large group of people, a coordination team (CoCo team) was also appointed that can handle practical matters. See pictures below.

Sweden does not yet have a national service community. The members of the Swedish delegation could therefore only vote for the election of members of the European Service Community but not for the coordination team. The Swedish delegates say that they were warmly welcomed. An atmosphere of friendship and cooperation was established from the beginning and it was easy to get in touch and communicate with other participants. The report states:

"Many participants are inspired by and live in the Spirit. During times of praise and prayer, people with the gifts of prophecy could come to share with all what they had received from the Holy Spirit. The messages were always supportive and positive. Many charisms including tongues and prophecy was manifested during the meeting. The power of the Holy Spirit was clearly felt. It was an ecumenical spirit and members of various rites and traditions participated. "

The report in its entirety, English and Swedish version, see below.

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