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CCR Sweden Newsletter May 2022
Bengt Malmgren
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CCR Sweden Newsletter May 2022

Catholic charismatic renewal, newsletter May 2022 from Bengt Malmgren

Dear friends!
The delay in the newsletter is due to the fact that our internet resources have been down for a month due to an extensive hacker attack to our internet provider Crossnet. But now everything works as usual again.

The synodal process, the answer of charismatic renewal
Some of us from the previous board of AKKS, I together with Lillemor Hallin and Kerstin Jonsson took the initiative to write an answer to the questions sent out from the contact group in the diocese. The answers should be submitted before 15 May. The diocese's website states that a total of 66 responses had been received from congregations, missions, orders, movements and groups as well as individuals. 4 of the answers came from movements and groups, including ours from Charismatic Renewal. [Link to our answer here]

Pentecost with the ovements and Cardinal Anders Arborelius in the Catholic Cathedral May 31:th at 6.30 pm
Normally this takes place on Pentecost, but this year it has been moved to the Tuesday before Pentecost due to Bishop Anders' schedule. Welcome to participate. This year is marked by synodality. The vocation of the movements is not to be an alternative on the side but to be in the middle of the parishes and work together for the mission of the church.

6.30 pm holy mass,

19.30—21.00 meeting in the Cathedral Hall with the parishes, movements and Cardinal Anders.

This year we want to invite the parishes and especially the pastors in the Stockholm region to celebrate with us and talk about how to cooperate with the movements for the benefit of evangelization. [More information here]

CHARIS Integral Formation Program
This excellent internet-based training for prayer group leaders and other officials within the Charismatic Renewal and which runs until Spring 2023 started at the end of April, I have signed up myself and taken part in the first seminar section. I can assure you that it is a very useful and good education, both for beginners who want to take a functionary responsibility and for us who have been with a little longer. It's not too late to sign up yet. [More information here]

Pentecost novena Friday after Ascension Day to Pentecost.
Let us all in the Charismatic Church especially go in to pray this nine-day prayer before Pentecost this year, individually and in the groups and communities we are in. Reflect on the daily texts (see Oremus page 308 ff [or this link]), pray in your own words. Let us pray for the renewal of our Catholic Church in Sweden, for the life and power of the Holy Spirit over our parishes, our movements and groups, and that Charismatic renewal may be a living channel for the new life of the Spirit in the Church. That the church may be equipped with power and respond to Pope Francis' challenge for a new evangelization. Pray the Pentecostal sequence (Oremus page 312), pray in faith that the Lord truly works miracles, that He does everything new. Come Holy Spirit!

/Bengt Malmgren


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