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CHARIS - Bönekampanj inför Pingsten
Bengt Malmgren
/ Categories: CCR

CHARIS - Bönekampanj inför Pingsten

En stor böne-kampanj introduceras nu under mars-april-maj fram till Pingst.


CHARIS moderator Jean-Luc Moens har skrivit en introduktion till bönekampanjen:


Vatican City 11th March 2019

One of the reasons why Pope Francis called for the creation of CHARIS, the new one service for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, was his desire that the whole Church come to experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit. He has always expressed very clearly this desire for a new Pentecost for the Church and the world, recently once more at the end of the mass for World Youth Day in Panama.

In order to prepare for this new Pentecost, CHARIS is launching a big prayer campaign from the beginning of March. This campaign is simple and accessible to everyone. Each month (March, April, May) an address will be given by Father Raniero Cantalamessa, the Ecclesiastical Assistant to CHARIS, who will prepare us to open our hearts for a new outpouring of the Spirit.

Here is the link with the first teaching of this campaign: (English)
[French, Italiano, Espanol, Portugues]

Please spread the word about this initiative to those around you, in your prayer groups, your communities, your schools of evangelization… Be faithful in prayer so that the next Pentecost really does mark the start of a renewal of the whole Church in the Holy Spirit.

Jean-Luc Moens
Moderator of CHARIS

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