ISSUE 105  December 16th, 2003




In this issue:
Renewal in Ukraine in parishes

The Renewal in the Ukraine is rather new and it has an accepted a place of service in the parishes. The Krasyliv School of Evangelization is serving all over the country.

We received this spontaneous report from Tanya Kulykivska of the Charismatic Community "Love of Christ". It illustrates the place of the Renewal in the parishes, like representative Oksana Ostapovych told us in our European meeting last March in Budapest.



Tanya Kulykivska: "Let me tell you several words about my community:

The name of my community is "Love of Christ". It was founded 12 years ago. Nowadays there are 74 members in it. At the head of our community there is the community council, which consists of 3 persons. One of these three persons is called "the main responsible". We also have a priest, who is our spiritual adviser.

Each Sunday our community leads worship meeting in our parish church. To this worship meeting usually come people from our community, from our parish and even just from streets. In our parish we also lead intercession prayers.

In Vinnytsya (this the name of our city) there is a branch of the Krasyliv School of Evangelization, and our community is responsible for this branch and for its activity.

Our community also leads different spiritual retreats in our community, for our parish, for other parishes in different cities and towns.

Our main desire is to worship our Lord and bring His message of love and freedom to this world."



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This Info-letter started in 1999 and is issued by the European sub-committee of ICCRS,

Chairperson Michelle Moran, e-mail 

Editor: Kees Slijkerman, e-mail:
European web-site, including old ISSUES of Euccril: