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Infoletter Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Sweden, September 2023
Bengt Malmgren

Infoletter Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Sweden, September 2023

by Bengt Malmgren

English translation will soon be available.

Charismatic renewal info letter from Bengt Malmgren September 2023

Stockholm Catholic cathedral:: Worship and intercession services, October 4 and November 15.

The prayer group in the Cathedral has initiated these services, to which everyone is invited. We come together and ask for the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit for ourselves, for our parishes and for the whole Church. 

17.00 Holy Mass
17.30-20.30 Worship, intercession, we round off with personal intercession for everyone who wishes.

October 4 is the date on which the first session of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality meets, and it becomes natural to pray for the process the Church is in now involving all of God's people. We really need the power of the Holy Spirit if we are all to be part of this, "from the Bishops down to the last of the lay faithful" (Lumen Gentium 12)

Prayer to the Holy Spirit as recommended by the Synod Secretariat that we can pray with the whole Church, individually and as we gather in our prayer groups:


We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. 
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. 
We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. 
Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. 
All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever.


Ecumenical prayer walk and prayer for Sweden

In connection with the opening of the swedish Parlament, Bengt Malmgren participated in a ecumenical prayer walk in Stockholm  on September 11 with prayer for Sweden and various areas of our social life, our elected representatives, government, ministries, the judiciary, the king and the church. 

We passed the Parlament building, Royal palace and other official buildings and ended in "Storkyrkan", the cathedral for Swedish church diocese of Stockholm, where the parliamentarians would gather the following day. In the afternoon, the prayer continued in St. Clara Church, with the participation of people from the Christian group in Parliament. Coming together with other Christians in intercession for our society and the common good is a manifestation of the unity that already exists among us Christians. Prayer knows no denominational boundaries, it is heard from whatever heart it flows, and there is power in doing it together. 


CHARIS and ecumenism

It is very important that we Catholics actively participate in ecumenism - Pope Francis has specifically tasked CHARIS to work for Christian unity, and in the statutes it is said that CHARIS shall be "an instrument to promote and work for unity in the body of Christ, as expressed in the prayer of Jesus Christ (Jn17)." It also states that CHARIS shall promote Christian unity and "promote the ecumenical dimension of Catholic Charismatic Renewal and foster the commitment to serving the unity of all Christians” (art. 3f). CHARIS, being an instrument of support and assistance to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal has established [Christian Unity Commission] with the purpose of promoting and working for the unity of the Body of Christ.

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has from the beginning been part of a denomination-wide Pentecostal Charismatic current of grace, therefore it has a natural entrance to develop relationships with Christians who have received the baptism of the same Spirit.

The Pope's special wishes for CHARIS and the Charismatic Renewal:

  1. Share the "baptism in the Holy Spirit" with everyone in the church.
  2. Serve the unity of the body of Christ
  3. Serve the poor. [see newsletter Jan 2023]



2033 Agenda: The Pope's challenge to all: What can you do?

In 2033, it is 2000 years since Jesus' death and resurrection. Pope Francis, through CHARIS and the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, wants the whole Church to use the ten-year period until then as preparation by taking the call seriously, praying and working for a new Pentecost and the fullness of Jesus' universal kingship. The treasures of the Gospel are of the greatest value to all humanity which we Christians are called to share.

The project proposes a common global agenda among all Christians to in every way, in prayer, in practically living the gospel, building community, helping the poor, contributing to peace and justice, sharing and making this treasure alive in society. For this we ask God to give us natural, cultural and spiritual gifts. This is a kairos time for humanity, let us Christians all over the world share our gifts, ideas and inspirations and come together as a community and put into practice what Christ in word and deed proclaimed for 2000 years.

A [YouTube video presenting the project] ends with the Pope himself addressing each of us: "What can you start doing starting tomorrow? Think about it!"

År 2033 är det 2000 år sedan Jesus död och uppståndelse. Påve Franciskus genom CHARIS och Dikasteriet för lekfolket, familjen och livet vill att hela Kyrkan använder tioårsperioden fram till dess som förberedelse genom att ta kallelsen på allvar, be och arbeta för en ny Pingst och fullheten av Jesus universella kungadöme.  Evangeliets skatter är av största värde för hela mänskligheten som vi kristna är kallade att dela.

[Read more about 2033 Agenda]

[Called, Transformed and Sent. CHARIS conferense, Paul VI Hall - Rom November 2-4  2023]

[CHARIS Integral Formation Program. Recommended for all leaders within the Charismatic Renewal.]

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