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Bengt Malmgren

Ledare inom CCR om förnyelsen med anledning av det stundande 50-årsjubileet i Rom

Röster, historier, erfarenheter och förväntningar från hela världen

CCR 50 år, jubileumseventet i Rom närmar sig som avslutas med Pingstdagens mässa tillsammans med påve Franciskus. ICCRS presenterar på sin hemsida röster, historier, erfarenheter och förväntningar från hela världen. CCR ledare och delar deras förväntningar. [Läs mera här]

En av förgrundsgestalterna inom CCR, påvliga hushållets predikant, kapucinprästen Raniero Cantalamessa betonar karismatiska förnyelsens samband med hela kyrkan, och att det är viktigt att förnyelsen inte stelnar utan är trogen sin kallelse som en förnyande kraft. Det är så han tolkar påve Franciskus förväntningar på förnyelsen:

No one is unaware of the significance of the fact that Pope Francis has taken to heart this event, to personally follow the preparation and the conduction. If I had to answer to the question : what does the Pope expect from this Jubilee event? I would say this: that the Charismatic Renewal should not be satisfied in being a reality " in the" Church, but should try even more to be a reality "of the" Church, of all the Church. Contrary to what some feared at the beginning, the Renewal has remained deeply rooted in the Catholic Church and obedient to the hierarchy. This is not put into doubt by anyone. The danger is that both on one side and the other side -both on the part of the great Church and on the part of the Charismatic Renewal -one remains satisfied with this, that is a kind of peaceful coexistence and mutual recognition. It's from this impasse that Pope Francis, it seems to me, is trying to pull out the Church and the Charismatic Renewal. To support him in this project, it is necessary that we always speak less in terms of Charismatic Renewal and always more in terms of Church. The Renewal in the Spirit is a ‘Current of Grace’ destined to all the Church because in its essence it is nothing but a powerful manifestation of the Spirit of the Risen Christ for the believers of today; it is the answer to the prayer of St. John XXIII for a "New Pentecost". From here comes the exhortation that Pope Francis addresses to the Renewal, to share with the whole Church the grace of the Baptism in the Spirit and implicitly to the Church, not to be afraid to welcome this gift of the Spirit. I don't feel like saying what the future prospects and challenges that await the Catholic Charismatic Renewal could be. Jesus says that the Holy Spirit is like the wind: We don't know where it comes from and where it is directed (John 3,8). That's how it's "unexpected " manifestation came about 50 years ago and that's how it's further development will be. We only know one thing about this with certainty: That He comes from Christ and takes us to Christ. The real challenge will be our capacity to "Let us be guided by the Spirit", and to be docile to His action, at the cost of dying to ourselves.


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