ISSUE 54 January 30th, 2002

Dear readers,

Welcome to all new readers. Together we can do a lot for the Renewal in Europe. In the attachments you find a lot of information on two meeting: one in Italy (16th - 17th February 2002) and one of Europe Arise in Lituania (18-21 april 2002).

I add some information on earlier ISSUES:

-ISSUE 53 included two press releases on the INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON PRAYER FOR HEALING AND THE CHARISMATIC RENEWAL IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. It is good to know that during our gathering in Czestochowa, 24-29 september 2002, we will have a workshop with bishop dr. Joe Grech (Australia) on healing. He was in the colloqium - like all ICCRS councilmembers were - and we have asked him to present the results of this colloquium in Czestochowa. Dr. Joe Grech did his thesis on healing. It was very special to celebrate mass with him in Rome and it will be very special to celebrate mass with him in Czestochowa.

-ISSUE 51 was on the Relay-conference in Bratislava, March 6th - 10th 2002. We wrote: "One of the active networks in Europe, with participation from leaders in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and of Youth with a Mission, is RELaY." Tim Nichols has sent us some more information:

"Just one point of clarification, the RELaY conference is primarily for leaders of Catholic and ecumenical communities and prayer groups across Europe. Some YWAM leaders participate in RELaY, but it is not run by YWAM. The RELaY network is made of a variety of leaders from the participating groups and communities." The price has changed for the Relay-conference, thanks to a reduction in accommodation costs. The cost for West Europeans is 180 Euros and 70 Euros for East Europeans.

Let us pray together for all this activities in Europe,

Kees Slijkerman


This Info-Letter is free to everybody who wants it. So, if you know people who have a heart for CCR-Europe, want to pray for it, want to publish news from Europe in magazines or just want to receive this e-mail Info-Letter, please let them sent an e-mail with this message: yes, put me on the mailing-list of the European Catholic Charismatic Renewal Info-letter.

Kees Slijkerman,


This European Catholic Charismatic Renewal Info-letter started in 1999 and is issued by the

European sub-committee of ICCRS (chairperson Nikol Baldacchino,

Editor: Kees Slijkerman, e-mail:

Our new (June 2001) European web-site, including old ISSUES of Euccril: