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Event date: 2020-10-31 22:00 - 23:30 Export event
CHARIS live-sänd bönevigilia 31 oktober. Alla ungdomar inbjuds särskilt!
Bengt Malmgren
/ Categories: CCR, Händelser

CHARIS live-sänd bönevigilia 31 oktober. Alla ungdomar inbjuds särskilt!


Särskilt alla unga att delta i denna vigilia med bön och lovsång som har rubriken CREATED 4 GREATNESS. Temat är helighet. Initiativet kommer från ungdomar som deltog i CHARIS pingstvigilia tidigare i år. 

Fader Raniero Cantalamessa kommer att medverka, samt mamman till Carlo Acutis vars saligförklaring ägde rum 10 oktober. 

31 oktober 22.00. Live-stream via följande kanaler:

Youtube: Charis International

Facebook: Charis International



Giulia Rancan är ungdomsrepresentant i CHARIS internationella servicekommitté (International Service of Communion). Hon skriver i ett brev till alla unga:

"During the first international conference held by CHARIS, on June 8 2019, Pope Francis addressed to us all these words:

'Young people are the future of the Church, it is true, but they are the present too: they are the present and future of the Church. I am glad you have given them the visibility and responsibility they deserve, to see the present with other eyes and to look at the future with you'.

In CHARIS’s own heart, there is a special place for young people and that is why the first formation course was created for us. CHARIS Leadership Course for Youth had been planned for July 2020, but due to the emergency we have been experiencing, it had to be postponed to the summer of 2021. The time we are living in is indeed a challenge but we want to turn it into an opportunity and not to miss the chance to respond to the important invitation the Pope and the Church have made us.

For this reason, we have thought of "CREATED 4 GREATNESS", the first online ZOOM event for young people, organized by CHARIS on October 31st at 10.00 p.m. (Rome time, on All Saints’ eve). It addresses all young people of the Charismatic Renewal worldwide, inviting them to get together, pray, receive the Holy Spirit and be transformed into the protagonists of the here and now the Church needs. The theme will be ‘the call to Holiness’; a Holiness that is still possible nowadays as many young saints teach us which we will learn more about during the event."

Giulia ber att ni delar detta med alla unga. Hela brevet här.

CHARIS Youth International på Facebook, på Instagram.


/Bengt Malmgren


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